can you become immune to salmonella ?


can you become immune to salmonella

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Roy M. Balderas 2022-11-13T14:41:09+00:00 1 Answer 6 views New Member 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Certainly, immunity to Salmonella can develop after an individual has been infected with the bacteria. When a person is exposed to Salmonella, their immune system responds by producing specific antibodies to fight off the infection. These antibodies can provide protection against future infections with the same strain of Salmonella. However, it’s essential to note that immunity may not be lifelong, and different strains of Salmonella can exist, so it’s still possible to get infected with a different strain in the future. Additionally, the effectiveness of immunity can vary depending on factors such as the individual’s overall health and the specific strain of Salmonella involved.

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