how do bacteria and archaea differ ?


how do bacteria and archaea differ

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Lorna D. McCord 2022-11-15T07:31:24+00:00 1 Answer 10 views New Member 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Bacteria and archaea differ in several key ways. One main difference is in their cell membrane composition. Bacteria typically have a cell membrane made of a lipid bilayer with fatty acids attached to glycerol, while archaea have a cell membrane composed of a lipid bilayer with isoprenoid chains attached to glycerol. Additionally, the cell walls of bacteria are usually made of peptidoglycan, while archaea have cell walls made of various substances, such as pseudopeptidoglycan or proteins. Another difference is in their genetic makeup. Bacteria have a single circular chromosome, while archaea may have a single circular chromosome or multiple linear chromosomes. Furthermore, bacteria and archaea have different RNA polymerases and ribosomal proteins, which are involved in transcription and translation processes. These differences contribute to the distinct characteristics and evolutionary history of bacteria and archaea.

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