how do all viruses differ from bacteria?

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John V. Shea 2019-10-14T19:03:50+00:00 2 Answers 292 views Regular Member 1

Answers ( 2 )


    Viruses need living host to replicate and increase their number and they replicate inside the cells (endogenous) and in that case, cell mediated immunity plays an important role to boost up the immunity and to prevent the disease.. in contrast to viruses, most of the bacteria replicate outside the cell (exogenous) and here cell  humoral immunity plays crucial role to prevent the disease…..

    most of the other factors also involves to differentiate the viruses from the bacteria like viruses don’t have ribosomes, lack metablic activity outside the host etc etc..


    and 1 more importat point in order to differentiate viruses from the bacteria is that:

    in case of virus, when viral infection done then number of leukocytic count is low and in contrast to this, in bacterial infection number of WBC’s count and ESR is high..

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