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    Salmonella infection in babies typically occurs when they consume food or liquids contaminated with Salmonella bacteria. This contamination can happen during the preparation, handling, or storage of food products, such as undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, or unpasteurized dairy products. Additionally, fruits and vegetables can become contaminated through contact with soil, water, or animal feces containing Salmonella bacteria.

    Infants can also acquire Salmonella infection through contact with infected animals or environments. For example, if a baby comes into contact with pet reptiles, such as turtles or lizards, which may carry Salmonella bacteria, they can become infected through oral ingestion or contact with contaminated surfaces.

    To prevent Salmonella infection in babies, it’s important to follow safe food handling practices, cook food thoroughly, wash fruits and vegetables before consumption, and avoid giving infants high-risk foods such as raw or undercooked eggs and unpasteurized dairy products. Additionally, caregivers should practice good hygiene, including washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling food, feeding infants, and changing diapers.

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