what is the incubation period for salmonella ?


what is the incubation period for salmonella

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Betty A. Stover 2022-11-28T10:05:33+00:00 1 Answer 6 views New Member 0

Answer ( 1 )


    The incubation period for salmonella refers to the time it takes for someone who has been exposed to the bacteria to develop symptoms of infection. The incubation period for salmonella infection typically ranges from 6 to 72 hours after exposure, although it can sometimes take longer for symptoms to appear. During this time, the bacteria multiply in the intestines, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. It’s essential to practice good hygiene and food safety measures to prevent salmonella infection, such as washing hands thoroughly and cooking food to the appropriate temperature.

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