Answer ( 1 )


    Indeed, bacteria can be eradicated through various means, encompassing heat, chemicals, antibiotics, and physical techniques. Heat, exemplified by boiling or cooking food, proves effective in eliminating numerous bacteria by altering their proteins and disrupting their cellular membranes. Chemical agents like disinfectants and antiseptics can similarly exterminate bacteria by compromising their cell walls or impeding their metabolic processes. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are medications meticulously crafted to combat bacteria, either by directly killing them or inhibiting their proliferation, targeting pivotal bacterial functions. Physical approaches such as filtration or exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light also demonstrate efficacy in annihilating bacteria by inflicting damage to their DNA or cellular structures. It’s noteworthy that the effectiveness of each method is contingent upon the bacterial species and the environmental conditions in which they encounter the exterminating agent.

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