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Nitrifying bacteria convert?

Nitrifying bacteria convert? Nitrifying bacteria are those bacteria that can convert nitrite into nitrate. These bacteria do this process into 2 steps: Ammonification Nitrification Nitrifying bacteria are chemoautotrophs that are commonly are Nitrobacter and Nitrospira. These bacteria contain nitrite oxidase enzyme that can ...

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Acid fast Bacteria

Acid-fast bacteria are those bacteria that have mycolic acid in their cell wall. These bacteria stain acid-fast positive. This bacterium was first discovered by Ziehl–Neelsen that's why the staining is also named by the scientist i.e Ziehl–Neelsen staining. Examples: Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  So in ...

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Aerobic Bacteria

“Aerobic bacteria are those that can survive or grow in the presence of oxygen” Examples: Bacillus, Nocardia, Pseudomonas. Classification of aerobic bacteria: There are three types of aerobic bacteria. Obligate aerobes: These bacteria are strictly survived in the presence of oxygen. These bacteria can’t live in ...

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