How to test microbes in probiotic mixes


What are practical methods to test the type and quantity/quality of microbes in a probiotic mixture like EM1 for soil. How to test waste water from processing tofu for amount of protein, bacteria and fungus/mold in it as well? Looking for methods that are good lab practices but also reasonable to do for start up company that has some budget but doesn’t want to go super expensive or complex.

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patty_cakes 2023-12-21T14:45:50+00:00 1 Answer 18 views New Member 0

Answer ( 1 )


    To test microbes in probiotic mixes such as EM1 for soil, and to analyze wastewater from processing tofu for protein, bacteria, and fungus/mold content, several practical methods are both effective and suitable for a startup company with budget constraints.

    For testing probiotic mixes like EM1 for soil, a common method is culture-based microbiological analysis. This involves inoculating a small sample of the probiotic mixture onto specific growth media designed to support the growth of different types of microbes. After an incubation period, the colonies that develop can be visually examined and counted to determine the type and quantity of microbes present. Additionally, molecular techniques such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) can be employed to identify specific microbial species within the mixture.

    For analyzing waste water from tofu processing, various methods can be employed to assess its protein, bacteria, and fungus/mold content. Protein content can be determined using colorimetric assays such as the Bradford assay, which relies on the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye to proteins. Bacterial enumeration can be performed using techniques like spread plating or membrane filtration, where diluted samples are spread onto appropriate agar plates and colonies are counted after incubation. For detecting fungus/mold, microscopic examination of stained samples or culture-based methods using selective media can be utilized.

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